Top 20 NuGet wrapper Packages

Fully covered. Bitcoin Core RPC library for .Net. Read the docs at
The official wrapper to interact with the AYB API. Please refer to the GitHub repo ( for documentaion
A .NET wrapper for the UselessAPI made by vierofernando
A C# .NET API wrapper for OpenTDB.
C# bindings and utilities for Vulkan in .NET 5
HtmlConverter is a small wrapper of the popular library wkhtmltopdf which is able to convert html to pdf and image.
Apprise.NET is a .NET Wrapper for calling Apprise API.
Provides the core problem solver abstraction for use with Google OR-tools Constraint Solver and Linear Solver wrappers.
Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.
To build a wrapper for a given type, with several function to handle method invocations and property usages. Simply create a ClassWrapperDescriptor, then with the instance obtained create a ClassWrapper on which the methods can be invoked The documentation can be found on
A wrapper for APIs to call from C#
A simple abstraction on top of the Dapper extension synchronous and asynchronous methods to aid testability. This is based on the original code by Andrew Miller.
RestHelper is a sleek and simple Wrapper library for providing simple access to Rest API, by hiding away the complexities of HTTPClient Class.It is particularly designed to work along with Xamarin PCL Projects
This library allows to retrieve financial data using Alpha Vantage API. The official page of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link: The complete documentation of Avapi.NET CORE is available at this link: To star...
A light-weight wrapper for the TMDb Api written in C#. TmdbEasy makes getting movie data a piece of cake..
NestWrapper is a wrapper for Nest Client, to make it easier to use Nest in unit tests is the one of the most popular radio station in Hungary. This is a .NET Standard 2.0 library to can access the Timeline, every MusicKIller DJ's tracklist and the two chart (TOP 20 and TOP 50).
Create named pipe servers that can handle multiple client connections simultaneously. Send strongly-typed messages between clients and servers: any serializable .NET object can be sent over a pipe and will be automatically serialized/deserialized, including cyclical references and complex object gr...
NetOffice Outlook API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office Outlook. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 4.0
NetOffice PowerPoint API, the .NET Wrapper Assemblies for accessing MS Office PowerPoint. This NuGet package targets the .NET Framework 4.5