Top 20 NuGet wp Packages

This is a fork of the original SQLite-PCL library which includes support for SQLCipher
When you install the Windows Phone SDK this file can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Libraries\Silverlight however that doesn't make it very friendly when people open it without the SDK or you want everything in one place so this simple Nuget package solves that.
Provides easy access to WMAppManifest at runtime
高德地图Windows Phone API 是一套简单的地图应用开发调用接口,可支持地图显示与操作,兴趣点搜索,地理编码与基站定位等功能;开发者可以轻松地将其嵌入自己的应用程序,并提供稳定的位置及地图应用程序。
gMaps WP Tasks package provides quick and easy way to add mapping features to your Windows Phone 8 application with help of activation protocols. You can easily display location, area, pushpin(s) and even route with several lines of code. Example: new OpenMapTask(...).Show();
EasyMoq is a small and free mocking framework for any kind of project. It is built as a portable class library and uses T4-templating to generate mocks. This makes it a perfect choice for mocking on WP- or WinRT-platform, since there is a lack of dynamic proxy creation.
The WP-Fx.UI project contains some UI/MVVM related features that are missing in the current versions of the WP7/8 and WinRT frameworks. Currently this package only contains a RelayCommand and CommandManager implementation for all platforms.
PWDTK Mobile (Password Toolkit Mobile) is a .NET API which easily allows you to create crypto random salt strings and generate password hashes using a HMAC SHA-256 based version of the PBKDF2 specification. It also contains an implementation of password policies which are enforced using regular expr...
A simple charting control for Windows Phone 8.
A simple sidebar control for Windows Phone 8. This type of control is commonly used in Android apps
A TextBlock control for Windows Phone which can highlight parts of the text.
This package contains an asynchronous Json serialization plugin. Also serves as an implementation for IMvxJsonConverter and IMvxTextSerializer
Take advantage of large screen windows phones using ZoomBox:
Converts bytes to base 32 encoded Strings
LiveTex SDK service
Simple and light-weight logging framework for Windows Universal Application. It's compatible for Win app and WP8.1 app
A minimalistic and fast JSON parser/deserializer. Mobile versions for Android and WP8.