Top 20 NuGet wp8 Packages
A Xamarin Forms control to render the native video player on every platform.
A small, yet powerful framework designed for Xaml platforms, Caliburn.Micro implements a variety of UI patterns for solving real-world problems. Patterns that are highlighted include MVVM (Presentation Model), MVP and MVC.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets Windows Phone Silverlight apps.
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to allow you to use SVGs
Ensure you call SvgImageRenderer.Init() on each platform! VISIT THE PROJECT URL for more info.
TypeConverter is a lightweight, portable class library which allows to convert between objects of different types.
This library is shipped with some basic sample converters, however, you are free to write your own type converters
and register them in the IConverterRegistry.
Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms.
Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats.
Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against:
Version 1.1.0 or above Built against:
This project is a cross platform library for Xamarin, which enables a handy use of Google Analytics in your applications.
Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows Phone applications. This is the main toolkit component.
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro.
Portable Class Library and platform specific support libraries for decoding and encoding JPEG2000 images. Works with Universal Windows (8.1 and 10),
.NET Core for .NET Standard 1.0 and higher, .NET 3.5 (WPF and Windows Forms), Windows Phone 8 Silverlight, Silverlight 5, Xamarin iOS and Xamarin An...
Cimbalino Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows applications. This is the PCL portion of the toolkit, which is also compatible with Background Agents.
Set application badge across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API.
Ability to modify application badge value
Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows Phone applications. This is the Phone Dialer component, and will require the ID_CAP_PHONEDIALER capability in your application.
Helper classes for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern that target one of the following platforms: WPF, Silverlight, Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS and Android.
Device orientation plugin for your Xamarin.Forms project.
Ensure you call DeviceOrientationImplementation.Init() on each platform!
"This package contains all types to communicate with all Pay Insights Platform (PI) in order to make any financial transation with credit/debit cards and other transaction capture modes."
CrossPlatformLibrary.Geolocation is a plug-in for geo information handling. It enables cross-platform GPS functionality.
C# Websockets for all platforms using native bridges.
A SQLitePCL.raw plugin can be used to instruct SQLitePCL.raw to reference a different implementation of the native SQLite library than it normally would use. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_esqlite3()); This particular plugi...
Official Plugin - Track which versions of your Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Android, or Windows app a user has previously installed.