Top 20 NuGet winforms Packages

Cross-platform spiritual successor to Winforms for .NET Core
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for WinForms (forked from master branch to add Support to (Multi Targting) netcoreapp3.1, Net 6.0, Net 7.0 And Net 8.0)
ComponentOne CalcEngine for .NET
Contains colour controls.
This package will install the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit (Telerik.WinControls.CompositeUI assembly) in your project. Note that in order to use it, you will need to install the RadControls for WinForms package (
Note: This is the .NET 2.0/3.5 version. It provides the same base functionality and is extended with, for example, custom buttons, or personnalized icons. You can customize your InformationBoxes with custom screen position, or custom button placement. And there are many more features ! Information...
See project site for more details
Task hierarchy scheduling components for Windows Forms® and .NET 2.0 SP2: Gantt Chart, Resource grid; Schedule editor, Statistics. Main features: Interactive task hierarchy management chart; Task bars and dependency lines supporting drag and drop operations; Working time, scales, and zoom level cust...
Hierarchical data presentation components for Windows® Forms and .NET 2.0 SP2: Data tree-grid. Main features: Inheriting DataGridView, providing tree-view behavior; Data binding with high customizability; Customizable appearance, culture awareness.
Makes any WinForms control draggable
Dependency tracking MVVM framework for Windows Forms.
Gnostice PDFOne .NET is a versatile PDF component suite for .NET developers to implement PDF-related tasks in their applications. PDFOne .NET can create, edit, view, print, search, redact, encrypt, decrypt, digitally sign, merge, split, reorganize, bookmark, annotate, watermark, and stamp PDF docume...
A .NET library for handling Windows 7/8/10 Touch Gestures in a WinForms application. It allows you to handle the following gestures, - Pan - Rotate - Zoom - Two Finger Tap - Press and Tap
A library for animated UI transitions for .NET.