Top 20 NuGet winform Packages

BehComponent Library Package.
This package contains necessary binaries for Microsoft Reporting library.
Add XML file to manage menus into English and French
Add a class Punctuation with all characters
Add a public static class Punctuation with all characters for code clarity for localization strings
Add an XML file for all translated strings in an application, usually similar from app to app
The binding Engine that support Binding for all .net environment : WinForm, WPF, Web, Mono, Xamarin, etc.
Development Utilities WinForm CRM projects.
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
copy files in C# with a customizable progress indicator and or progress bar
A library of WinForm controls designed for search UI. Documentation available at: Issues and bug tracker available at: ...
x86_win, cef-3.3578.1860
x64_win, cef-3.3578.1860
x86_linux, !IMPORTANT: for now, you should copy icudlt.dat natives_blob.bin snapshot_blob.bin and swiftshader folder to /usr/bin/ by manually.
x64_linux, !IMPORTANT: for now, you should copy icudlt.dat natives_blob.bin snapshot_blob.bin and swiftshader folder to /usr/bin/ by manually.
core. anycpu first for x64, for cef-3.3578.1860. with local file and embeded resource support