Top 20 NuGet windowsforms Packages

A managed library to handle global (system-wide) hotkeys in Windows Forms applications. This package contains the concrete HotkeyManager implementation for Windows Forms for .NET 3.5/4.0/4.5.
This library provides XAML user controls for Windows Forms. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: -InkCanvas : Defines an area that receives and displays ink strokes. -InkToolbar : Wpf-enabled wrapper for InkToolbar, that Represents a Universal Window...
Enables you to have DPI aware windows forms, per monitor. More info:
A Custom-Drawn ConfirmationButton Control for Windows Forms applications. This project is Open Source, and contributions are encouraged, at:
A simple and free Separator Control for Windows Forms applications.
A simple, flat-themed [On/Off] Switch Control for Windows Forms applications.
This package is now obsolete and contains no DLLs. Please use Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls.WebView or Microsoft.Toolkit.Forms.UI.Controls.WebView packages instead. For more information, go to
Library of components for 2D animation
A lightweight, asynchronous animation library for Windows Forms as a .NET Framework library.