Top 20 NuGet windows10 Packages
A simple OpenWeatherMap API for Universal Windows Platform(UWP) using city name.
Access current weather data for any location including over 200,000 cities.
Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations.
60 call per minute (no more th...
UWP class library for Pi-Plates stackable circuit boards for Raspberry Pi
A powerfull library for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Calculates averages easily in UWP apps
Gets installed app packages on a user's Windows 10 Device.
WARNING: Requires the restricted capabilities "packageManagement" and "packageQuery"
to be declared in your Package.appxmanifest file. Go to project url to learn how to delcare them.
A UWP class library containing useful controls and utilities for app development.
This application is the Windows Runtime Component used for Windows IoT. This use the class GpioPin to control the General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins on your device. In this case, a LED light.
Get windows 10 accent color from dwm.
Handy Compression Service for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
This toolkit will help you to create forms efficiently.
C# wrapper for IVirtualDesktopManager on Windows 10. You need to include the app manifest in your project so as to target Windows 10.
The Core code for the WindowsAPICodePack. This is an updated version containing all available bug fixes for this code as of 2020-04-09.
A C# wrapper around IInitializeWithWindow with an extension method for WPF.
A C# wrapper around IInitializeWithWindow with an extension method for Windows Forms.
A C# wrapper around IInitializeWithWindow.