Top 20 NuGet winforms Packages

ComponentOne Scheduler for WinForms includes fully functional Outlook-style schedule and calendar controls that allow users to add, edit, and manage their appointments easily.
ComponentOne Input for WinForms includes controls that support masking, formatting, validation, visual styles and data binding.
ComponentOne FlexGrid for WinForms is an easy-to-use, flexible datagrid control for creating user-friendly interfaces that display, edit, format, summarize, and print tabular data.
Provides DirectX rendering support for ComponentOne WinForms controls.
The ComponentOne Bitmap library for WinForms includes classes and controls for loading, saving and transforming images.
The ComponentOne Excel library includes classes and components for creating and reading Microsoft Excel files in .NET Framework apps.
A Chromium-based WPF component that can be embedded into your .NET application to display modern web pages built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript etc. You can obtain a free 30-day trial by filling a form at
Eto.Forms is a cross platform desktop user interface framework. This framework is built so that you can target multiple platforms with one UI codebase. The goal of this framework is to expose a common API that can be used to build functional applications that run across platforms using their nativ...
The Standard edition PDFControls.NET is a 100% managed .NET component that enables you to add PDF reader functionality to your .NET WinForms applications. The component is a .NET class library consisting of user interface controls and UI-less classes to access the PDF document. The standard edition...
Run your xunit-based tests on an STA thread with the WPF Dispatcher, a WinForms SynchronizationContext, or even a cross-platform generic UI thread emulation with a SynchronizationContext that keeps code running on a "main thread" for that test. Simply use [WpfFact], [WinFormsFact], [StaFact] or the...
Ookii.Dialogs.WinForms is a class library for .NET applications providing several common dialogs. Included are classes for task dialogs, credential dialog, progress dialog, input dialog, folder browser dialog, and more.
The WebView2 control enables you to embed web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your native applications powered by Microsoft Edge (Chromium). This package is necessary for Win32 C/C++, WPF, and WinForms applications. To learn more about package versions checkout
UI helpers for using CSLA .NET business types with Windows Forms.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® WinForms High Contrast Theme and more.
Provides common classes and controls for WinForms apps using ComponentOne controls.
Display and interact with recognized form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) on an image in WinForms image viewer. Edit form field templates and interact with form field templates on an image in WinForms image viewer. Define how form fields (OMR, text, barcodes) must be shown in WinForms image viewer. Def...
WinForms controls for annotating images and PDF documents. Print annotated images and PDF documents in WinForms.
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1 and .NET 8 - 9. This is the workspace module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1 and .NET 8 - 9. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific fram...
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1 and .NET 8 - 9. This is the docking module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8.1 and .NET 8 - 9. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific framew...
PDFControls.NET is a 100% managed .NET component that enables you to add PDF reader/editor functionality to your .NET WinForms applications. The component is a .NET class library consisting of user interface controls and UI-less classes to access and modify the PDF document. Compared to the standar...