Top 20 NuGet widget Packages

Displays a hyperlink to a specified target URL. The link can be rendered either in text format or as an image.
LightBox gallery based on Vue.js. Supports using attachments, Media Library files or external images.
It displays map obtained from the Google maps service using Latitude and Longitude.
It will render the image which can be seleted from media library and allows editors to add class, alt text, dimensions and redirection link to image
Displays maps obtained from the Google maps service.
Displays the content of specified pages based on assigned views.
Displays image, caption with a target link using pages
Displays image and video slides using pages
Displays a form that allows visitors to register on the website as new users.
Drag and drop a page message/alert to your sitefinity page.
Easily add a chat widget to your ASP.NET MVC application to allow your users to contact you though HipChat.
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
This wrapper allows you to use the C/C++ AntTweakBar library in your C# code through a managed, type-safe interface, letting you quickly create elegant graphical widgets for your tech demos and games. AntTweakBar.NET supports both OpenGL and DirectX, runs on Windows and Linux, and is Mono-compatible...
Grid widget for HTML pages
This package contains some reusable, flexible and scalable api widgets for Asp.Net Core.
Simple and highly customizable Xamarin.iOS tag list view.
Class library for accelerating UWP application development.
Kentico MVC widget for carousel
Library for building Microsoft Game Bar Extensions
Displays a form that allows users to log into the website. Authentication requires a valid user name and password.