Top 20 NuGet websockets Packages
The C++ REST SDK built specifically for Luminix' use. NOT AN OFFICIAL BUILD.
BigQ is a messaging platform using TCP sockets and websockets featuring sync, async, channel, and private communications. This package includes the BigQ core libraries. Please also download the BigQ.Client or BigQ.Server package as needed.
Client for Coinbase Pro websocket API
JavaScript client for XSockets.NET server
PCL Profile259 Websocket client. Perfect for Xamarin Forms Portable Class Library applications. Utilize's sockets-for-pcl.
BigQ is a messaging platform using TCP sockets and websockets featuring sync, async, channel, and private communications.
A cross platform WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core (backed by WebsocketClientLite).
A cross platform SocketCluster library for .NET NetStandard Core (backed by WebsocketClientLite).
Lykke WampSharp Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets.Server support
Simple .Net Standard library for sending and receiving json and bson messages through WebSocket.
RawSocket transport for WampSharp
WampSharp Newtonsoft.Msgpack support
Client for Bitfinex and Ethfinex websocket API version 2.0
WebSocket4Net implementation of Websockets.Standard.
.NET framework implementation of Websockets.Standard, wraps default implementation.
Client for chat/live events
A cross platform EngineIo client library for .NET NetStandard core.
A Cross Platform Pusher Client for .NET Core NetStandard
A cross platform WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core.