Top 20 NuGet website Packages

This package adds an ASP.NET precompile step to the build just before (and only if) OctoPack is called. Next time when TeamCity or another build tool invokes OctoPack, precompilation will kick in and your deploy package will contain a precompiled website.
RequestReduce.SqlServer is an add-on to RequestReduce allowing you to store your optimized CSS, JavaScript and sprited images in a SqlServer or SqlServer CE database.
A library for reading/writing WARC files and scraping websites.
An Android library to make the map display process easier by entering latitude and longitude only.
Yield - The simplest ASP.NET Static Site Generator (a.k.a. flattener). You just need to make a few minor tweaks to your site configuration, and you're set to generate static HTML.
RequestReduce.SassLessCoffee is an add-on to RequestReduce which compiles DotLess and Sass CSS as well as Coffee scripts to be included in the RequestDeuce sprite generation, minification and bundling processing. Simply reference your .less, .sass, .scss and .coffee files with those extensions and R...
Image API & processing for Azure Web Apps
Logs HTTP trace information into Azure table and blob storage
Graze is a static web site generator. It takes a template and a configuration file and generates a static web site. The generated site is pure HTML / CSS / JavaScript and can be hosted on any web server. The Graze templates are created using the Razor Syntax. Use an empty Visual Studio project as a ...
An API for combining, minifying, compressing, and caching CSS and JavaScript for .NET websites.
SPA Bundler bundles Images, Fonts, Css, Js and Html into a single html file. It is intended to optimize performance for Single Page Applications. It minifies and optimizes all files involved.
A PowerShell task runner based on Invoke-Build. Invoke-Build is a build and test automation tool which invokes tasks defined in PowerShell scripts. It is similar to psake but arguably easier to use and more powerful. Removes the boilerplate code from your build scripts and supports a convention-base...
Owin extensions including HTTP tracing
MVC filters that support AccidentalFish.ApplicationSupport.Owin
Web Api filters that support AccidentalFish.ApplicationSupport.Owin
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project to create a label as hyperlink. With this plugin you can show a label as a hyperlink for your websites, phone numbers and mails. Available for Android and iOs Built against: