Top 20 NuGet webhook Packages

Client used to build and send Slack messages to a channel, using a slack incoming webhook which can easily configured
Simple library for sending messages into Slack channels using Webhook.
Using this package you can create, list or delete Authy webhooks
Harpoon provides support for sending your own WebHooks. This package contains the default for registration.
Harpoon provides support for sending your own WebHooks. This package contains default web controllers.
Harpoon provides support for sending your own WebHooks. This package contains the base classes.
Lightweight and Easy to use Discord Webhooks Library
Un wrapper open-source pour créer un IP Logger facilement, et gratuitement.
A template to expose Blip MessagingHub applications through webhook, using ASP.NET WebApi
Core interfaces for OctoHook extensions.
Automatically assign issues with title formatted with ':[username]' or ':me'.
Automatically close issues via standard GitHub mechanism (i.e. 'fixes #123'), regardless of the commit branch.
Automatically apply labels to issues with title formatted with one or more '+[label]'.
Automatically link issues to their corresponding user story (issues labeled 'story' or 'Story') based on a shared prefix with square brackets, like '[uex] Provide UI hints'.
Automatically creates task lists on referenced issues, back linking to the source issue and automatically updated.
WebHook middleware for the SendGrid api using AspNet Core.
.NET Framwork Library for Facebook Messenger Bot
A simple library for sending Slack Messages
A .Net Standard Wrapper to Manage Commands with Telegram Bot Webhooks.
Harpoon provides support for sending your own WebHooks. This package contains the default for registration with EF Core.