Top 20 NuGet webforms Packages
Package contains the ASP.NET WebForms provider for Kaliko CMS - an open-source content management system.
You'll find information on how to get started over at:
Webforms Controls for use with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
Provides a castle windsor adapter for the sitemapify ASP.NET sitemap handler
Provides a ASP.NET HttpHandler to assist with generating a dynamic sitemap.xml file for Umbraco CMS content nodes
A content management system for WebForms. Bootstrap compatible, built in image manager and drag and drop image uploading. Includes jquery UI tools, data binding and data accessor layer. Can be used with SQL server, mySQL or SQLite. Uses SQLite by default.
.NET Data grid for fast editing. Add the grid, give it a table name and it will add/update/delete. Includes searching and paging. Uses free-jqgrid.
Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a better understanding of whats happening inside of your ASP.NET 4.0 application. For ASP.NET MVC3 support, please NuGet Glimpse.MVC3.
Tools and Controls to help the migration from Webforms to MVC
Serviço de consulta de dados através do CNPJ
A collection of accessible Twitter Bootstrap v3.3.7 user controls for ASP.NET. It's easy to forget to add ARIA attributes and other accessibility markup. With these controls, it's all handled for you!
This project is forked from the Tie.Controls.Bootstrap project by pmcfernandes and features additi...
Memcached backed Proxy/Service Ticket Managers for the Apereo .NET CAS Client.
Redis backed Proxy/Service Ticket Managers for the Apereo .NET CAS Client.
開發 ASP.NET Web Forms 時常用之取巧手段
ASP.NET Google Map Control for Google Maps API - commercial build with 90 days trial period.
WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax
WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax
Aspy is totally free ASP.NET Session and Cache online viewer. It can be integrated with any ASP.NET web application including ASP.NET MVC and Web API. It is ready to use right after the installation. More detailed description is available on our website.