Top 20 NuGet webapi Packages

A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
Web api support for test-data data-sets. Source is here -
This package can deserialize any String, Stream, or StreamReader (On HAL+JSON format or not) provided by a web api response. Installation: On the package console run : Install-Package HALJSonDeserializer Usage: After installation you must include the namespace of the package where you will use it:...
The common library to call Mapbox Api.
Avro media type formatter for WebAPI
Simple tool to transpile DTO classes used in WebAPI action methods to TypeScript
Required only by self hosted Web Api apps. Used to enable Prefix & Stackify APM tracking of the requests. Not needed if hosted within IIS.
WebAPI classes used by Real Web Developers
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
Web API support for Its.Domain.
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
web api的全局异常捕获
WebAPI token凭据验证
Backport of Asp.Net core's policy based authorization to Asp.Net 4 WebApi 2
.Net library for strongly typed access to REST Api's