Top 20 NuGet web Packages

The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a legacy configurations as App.config or Web.config.
The migration tooling of .NET Framework application that needs to support a with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting like syntax.
Blazor JavaScript Utilities.
The easiest way to interact with video for Blazor applications.
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
Package Description
Provides extension methods for user's identity. (Get User ID and Generate JWT)
Web Infrastructure in Interactive And Web Project - Doğuş Teknoloji
Console application to check if web links are active or broken.
You can use this to make excluding files from web publish simpler.
Application Insights Telemetry SDK gives you insights into the KPIs of your on-premises and Windows Azure applications. With the SDK, you insert code into your server application that logs events and transactions. Application Insights service collects the data, analyzes it and presents the results i...