Top 20 NuGet web Packages

A fast and simple HTML generation library, developed at Stack Overflow.
Core library for QRest
An abstraction layer over System.Net.Http.HttpClient providing a flexible way to test/inject/mock HttpClient instances.
Classical ASP.NET/MVC integration for the Operations framework
Result filter for ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers that can produce multiple types of results for the same action. Used in multi-client APIs that need to serve different types of results per device
From a command prompt, run: CMD> dotnet new --install IntelliTect.Coalesce.KnockoutJS.Template Make a new folder and open it in a command prompt CMD> dotnet new coalesceko [-n Optional.Name] If you don't specify a name, the template will infer one from the name of the folder you are in.
Provide Mongo database store for ServerSideAnalytics
Framework mvc use autofac
SqlServer storage for ServerSideAnalytics
SqLite store for ServerSideAnalytics
Template for basic Routable application using Kestrel
A simple, configurable query logger for ASP.NET Core applications.
WebApiThrottle message handler and action filter are designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an API based on IP address, client API key and request route. WebApiThrottle works with ASP.NET Web API hosted is IIS, Owin with IIS and Owin self-hosted.
WebSharper Formlets for JQueryUI
Provides rendering for the Knyaz.Optimus
MessagePack serializer for CacheIt
CacheIt implementation using IMemoryCache
Distributed cache CacheIt implementation
Library provides a simple client-side template-based view engine for JSON data.