Top 20 NuGet visualstudio-web-development Packages
The complete MaterialDesign ( icon pack. All icons are packed as individual svg resources in a single assembly. Use it by adding the Wisej.Ext.MaterialDesign assembly to the references and select the icon using the image editor at design time. The URL is resource.wx/...
The JustGage extension component uses the cool JustGage ( widget to render animated, nice and clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting. As a Wisej Real Time widget you can set several properties...
The jSequence ( Diagram extension component turns text sequences into cool UML diagrams and detects clicks on any diagram element.
The jQueryKnob extension component uses the amazing jQueryKnob widget ( to create a Wisej Real Time dial control that allows the user to rotate the dial to change its value or to type the value in the middle editor. The component allows you to set the value, rang...
The Html2Canvas ( extension component uses the Html2Canvas library. This Wisej component that can take a screenshot of a specific control or the entire browser and send the image back to the server.
The GoogleMaps extension lets you control Google Maps ( as a fully integrated server control. The control fires events back to the server and the server can affect any visual aspect of the map.
The Geolocation extension component adds geolocation capabilities to the container it is dropped on. Provides methods to retrieve the current location of the client and raises events when the location changes.
The FullCalendar ( extension is an amazing full-size drag-n-drop event calendar. Supports multiple views, flexible events, custom styles, integrates with Google Calendars, and it’s completely integrated with Wisej.
The complete FontAwesome icon pack. All icons are packed as individual svg resources in a single assembly. Use it by adding the Wisej 2.Ext.FontAwesome assembly to the references and select the icon using the image editor at design time. The URL is resource.wx/Wisej.Ext.FontAwesome/{icon-name}.
The complete ElegantIcons icon pack. All icons are packed as individual svg resources in a single assembly. Use it by adding the Wisej.Ext.ElegantIcons assembly to the references and select the icon using the image editor at design time. The URL is resource.wx/Wisej.Ext.ElegantIcons/{icon-name}.
The CustomWallpaper extender component enhances the Desktop, the MainPage or any Control control by rotating a list of custom images over the control’s background.
The CountUp extension component uses the excellent CountUp.js ( widget that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way.
The CoolClock extension component uses the CoolClock widget ( to render amazing analog clocks as Wisej Real Time widgets. Supports several skins, logarithmic scale, and several properties to configure the tick delay or hide the second’s hand.
The ColumnFilter extender component allows you to add row filtering to your DataGridViews. It includes 2 ready made FilterPanels.
This amazing extension to Wisej adds full support for server-side scripting using either VBScript, JScript or the latest Google V8 JavaScript engine. Scripts can access any object or class in the application and can attach to events fired by Wisej controls.
Refer to Microsoft’s ClearScript Referenc...
The CKEditor extension uses CKEditorTM (formerly FCKeditor - is an open source WYSIWYG text editor designed to bring common word processor features directly to web pages, simplifying their content creation.
The Bubbles extender component enhances all Wisej components by providing additional properties and a useful bubble notification functionality. Every widget can display a popup animated and themed bubble when a value changes
The BingWallpaper extender component enhances the Desktop control by adding Bing’s daily stunning wallpaper images. You can set the rotation interval, fade duration and number of images.
The Barcode extension component for Wisej uses ZXing.Net to generate Barcodes on the server and render them on the client. Supports: UPC-A, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 128, ITF, Codabar, Plessey, MSI, QR Code, PDF-417, Aztec, Data Matrix.
AspNetControl wrapper. This control is a generic class capable of wrapping most ASP.NET controls using a very simple syntax.