Top 20 NuGet version Packages

Simple cache wrapper for projects. Supports Filesystem and InMemory out of the box
Compares two NuGet packages to determine if the Major and Minor version are semantically correct based on the publicly exposed classes/methods.
Version history controller and views for displaying the version history in an MVC application.
The BitPantry Assembly Patcher is a small utility that can patch your AssemblyInfo.cs version using a flexible and pluggable version pattern approach.
Versioned routes and models.
Adds current Git hash to assembly version, so it looks like
A semver implementation in .Net based on the v2.0.0 of the spec found at This was forked from the semver package from Max Hauser, and is rebuilt to be compatible with .net 2+ and .net Standard 1+.
Bluehands.Versioning provides automatic assembly versioning for .NET projects. After installing the package, create a Version.txt file with three version number segments (e.g. 1.0.0) in the project or solution folder. See for more informat...
Library for running database scripts across different evnironments for easier DevOps
Provides two structures "SemanticVersion" and "SemanticVersionRange" which can be used to work with semantic versions (see
An URL extension helper to append version to content URL for files such as js, css, json, etc for cache busting.
Provides commonly used configuration extensions for SwaggerGenOptions
MongoDB utilities to apply optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting entities using a version property.
To see working of content folder
A MSBuild task library for harvesting semantic versioning information from source control tags.
HTTP module that reports version of web site assembly