Top 20 NuGet vector Packages

An simple Immutable Vector2D Classes
NOTE: since v1.2.0 it's a Portable Class Library. Due to the nature of Portable Class Libraries, it's not possible to maintain the System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace (and extending it). Instead all classes now orignate from TCD.Mathematics TCD.Mathematics provides classrs, which allow advanced ...
Cross-platform library for rendering vector graphics and writing graphics-rich apps. Supports iOS, OS X, Android, Windows Phone, Windows RT, WPF among a variety of file formats.
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) is a simple to use, easy to integrate and extremely efficient run-time mathematical expression parsing and evaluation engine. The parsing engine supports numerous forms of functional and logic processing semantics and is easily extendible. ht...
The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas.
SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM. Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore ...
Package contains some data-structures (vector - dynamic array, list - double-linked list) and adapters (stack, queue, dequeue). Those classes will be used in Aliss - project allows create model of Descrete-Event Systems (queuing systems). Some methods described with complexity.
A powerful library of immutable and persistent data structures for the .NET platform.
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. Find us on GitHub at
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. This is the non-generic version which can be used in non-.NET projects targeting the Windows Store, such as C++/CX or JavaScript. Find us on GitHub at
Custom Xamarin Forms ImageView that takes .svgs from PCL projects.
2D math, helpers and utilities
Double version of System.Numerics vector libraries
Reads time series channels from measurement data files (MDF) up to version 3.3.0.
Basic 3D vector implementation, provides a simple Vector class and a set of utility methods.
Package Description
C# Wrapper to help generate SVG Panels with various SVG Objects as children. To be used in Web Applications in any View/Web Form anywhere an HTMLString object can be used to output HTML Content. Eases association of custom javascript to be applied to any object chosen.
.Net Core Math extension methods for 3d Engines
Some basic vector and matrix operations
Provides vectors, matrix and other 3d math related methods and components