Top 20 NuGet validation Packages

A robust and expressive condition-checking library
A library to validate IRD numbers and bank account numbers according to the "Resident Withholding Tax (RWT) and Non-Resident Withholding Tax (NRWT)" specification published by the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (IRD).
Provides validation and normalization for phone numbers. with respect to E.164 (an international standard (ITU-T Recommendation), titled The international public telecommunication numbering plan)
Validator for Entities and commands
This is a package for domain validation with notification
JoyMoe.Common Attributes for Asp.Net Core MVC
The PPWCode Util Validation library version II
Typed and validated application configuration settings. Allows backup configuration such as parent / child settings. Based off ConfigurationManager, JSON, and Environment Variables.
Forked from DataAnnotationsValidator by Mike Reust. Allows scanning object graph and validates every object using .NET standatd System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Validator
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
Additional client and server side validation attributes for MVC applications.
Common framework containing utilities and extension methods for fast development.
Validation Framework for validating JSON using Json.NET objects.
C# strongly-typed validation library for .NET
Provides argument validation framework
A lightweight framework that saves you from all the boilerplate of maintaining error list for each of the validation targets (properties). It allows you to keep all your validation rules conveniently in one place. You just define a set of validation rules that need to be checked for each of the targ...
WCFDataAnnotations allows you to automatically validate WCF service operation arguments using the validation attributes and IValidatableObject interface from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.
The helper will recursively traverse your object graph and invoke validation against DataAnnotations. This originated from following Stackoverflow answer:
Provides a lightweight validation framework targeting objects, and offering utilities for lightweight property validation. * Provides basic support for DataAnnotations on objects.