Top 20 NuGet uwp Packages

Cake Add-In, that allows the Manipulation of the UWP appxmanifest
This library enables access to Facebook. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
This library provides XAML user controls for Windows Forms. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. Controls: -InkCanvas : Defines an area that receives and displays ink strokes. -InkToolbar : Wpf-enabled wrapper for InkToolbar, that Represents a Universal Window...
Fluent Assertions extensions for NodaTime
Calendar control for Windows 10 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
Easy to use library that gives ability to prompt users for app rating / feedback based on configurable properties. This library works with Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 as well as Windows 8.1 and 10.
A rate reminder pop up for Windows 10 UWP, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 apps.
This Package contains a extensible Map Control for WinRT (Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 Phone) Supported Maps: - OpenStreetMap
老虎游戏SDK是由完美世界公司出品的一款专业游戏SDK。主要面向Windows 10游戏开发者, 为游戏提供完善的用户系统、支付系统、社交分享体系, 以及可定制的游戏论坛系统。
Lightweight and fast inter-process communication IPC between two partners for .NET / .NETCore 2.0 / .NETStandard 2.0 / UWP. Based on Shared Memory. [512 bytes package in both directions] Remote async and sync calls with response (a la RPC), full-duplex, with the speed of 20 MB/s. Remote async call...
The presentation user interface library for the "More" framework.
StateTriggers for use with the Windows 10 Visual State Manager
A library of Adaptive Triggers for Windows Universal Platform applications. The library allows you to easily create visual states triggered by common trigger conditions.
SQLite Core Library for UWP
Library for reading contacts in UWP apps.
The official NotificationsExtensions library from Microsoft. Supports C# and C++ UWP project types (see NotificationsExtensions.Win10.JavaScript for the JS version). Also works with C# portable class libraries and non-UWP C# projects like server projects. Generate tile, toast, and badge notific...
The main purpose of Curanza is to simplify the development of a UWP app for any supported platform. Today a modern app is developed using MVVM pattern, and Curanza helps you to successfully apply this pattern. Using Curanza, for example, you can bind a RelayCommand (and optionally his parameter) to ...
Simple non-bloated MVVM Framework.