Top 20 NuGet utility Packages

Data structures and utilities that may be useful in a number of card based games
Data structures and utilities that may be useful in a number of hex based games
Pass multiple arguments that can be complex objects to another program while executing that program from an executable file. After that, main program can communicate with another program that was executed.
Basic utility functions for F# Http.
Small utility library that allows for quick and easy testing of RESTful API's
A CSV reader for .NET Core
Utilities to display tabulated data in a .Net Core command line application
Library for reading and writing CSV and Fixed Width files into a class or struct similar to XmlSerializer.
ActionSwarm Automation Environment library.
ActionSwarm Windows Interaction library.
Library containing basic abstractions to cryptography. Aims to fill the gap in cryptographic API lack in .NET Standard 1.0, and to co-operate with existing cryptographic API in other .NET frameworks.
Provides block-based digest-producing cryptographical algorithms. Also provides concrete implementation for RandomGenerator interface of UtilPack.Cryptography package.
Provides several features to enhance community performance
Enables a custom OAuth provider for Strava
Enables custom meta data tags to be configured and rendered on community pages
Enables activity story messages within a group when it is mentioned elsewhere
Integration with Google MFA