Top 20 NuGet utility Packages

Useful extensions for .net framework types. This is a pure utility package and should be kept as simple as possible but also as powerful as possible :)
The Utility Library provides support classes, encoding and encryption, and configuration functionality.
Common utility function for all projects like validation of credit-card, email, phone-number, generate tiny url, etc.
Utility classes, helper functions and extension methods of various kinds.
Link Windows Forms Control objects by their property names
Csv file format.
SEW Advanced Blokaidaid Config Setting
A .NET Core library that allows editing PE EXE sections, with special support for the .rsrc section.
Windows File Associations Support Library
A collection of useful classes and methods which may be used in several projects.
Integration into Azure's application insights engine
A lib to help manage windows services. Install, uninstall and control them.
A provider for IO interfaces. Include managed and unmanaged implementations.
Feature for internet proxy settings.
Wrapper for IIS (Internet Information Service) elements creation and query. List Websites, Application Pools and also create or delete them. Create virtual directory or application inside an existing website. Compatible with IIS 6 and higher.
A Windows Forms Custom Message Box with some additional features and box control.
COM+ Wrapper for object installation.
MessagePack serializer for CacheIt