Top 20 NuGet utility Packages

Dotnet core reflection utility
Dotnet core net utility
Amazon S3 provider for Telligent
Dotnet core security utility
Filter to only use entities that implements the mandatory interfaces
Array,Assembly, Combinatorics,CSV,DataTable,DateRange, DateTime, Dictionary,Directory,Download,Enum,FileInfo, GZip, HashCode, Linq,List, Object, Property, Random, Recursive, Regex, String,Type, Url helper classes
CB.System.Net is a collection of networking classes to solve frequently occurring problems.
Integration with HubSpot
BizTalk Factory's document and property schemas for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
A set of classes and modules for .Net development including MetaPubSub - a Publish-Subscribe pattern implementation with an interprocess communication channel
BizTalk Factory's pipeline-centric messaging class library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk Factory's abstraction interfaces, classes, and context properties for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk Factory's pipeline-centric messaging unit test library for general purpose BizTalk Server development.
BizTalk Factory's unit test helpers for Be.Stateless.BizTalk.Stream class library.
Subset of the GhostCore "sdk"/library. The core library for all of the GhostCore library set.
# MrMeeseeks Windows This is a project where I'll dump all utility algorithms and data structures for WPF in order to not bloat application-specific code with application-unspecific code and in order to prevent writing same code over and over again. If you find something inte...
Core helper extensions and utilities.
Unofficial Xamarin.Android binding for Maps SDK for Android Utility Library
Provides extension methods for data. This is partial package of main TomLabs.Shadowgem package.
dotnet utility