Top 20 NuGet uri Packages

Magnet Uri (magnet-uri) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
The C++ REST SDK built specifically for Luminix' use. NOT AN OFFICIAL BUILD.
A fluent, portable, testable HTTP client library.
Delay.Web.Helpers is an ASP.NET web helper assembly that includes support for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) blob/bucket access and data URIs. (Note: This assembly can be used with other .NET project types as well.)
DataUri utility library for working with data-uris.
A collection of useful extension methods.
Extensions to .NET's System.UriBuilder.
Package Description
A Freya Router based on URI Templates for route matching
A fluent, portable URL builder. To make HTTP calls off the fluent chain, check out Flurl.Http.
VersionedRestApi provides a simple but powerful attribute called 'ApiRoute' that lets you annotate your Web API actions with versions (or version ranges). Versioning is handled via the URI (as opposed to query string parameter, header, or body parameter). See GitHub project readme for mor...
The C++ REST SDK built specifically for Luminix' use. NOT AN OFFICIAL BUILD.
Extensions for the .NET URI class. Get, set, drop, update URI parts, query items and path items. Fluent interface. No more worrying about part delimiters.
Work programmatically with URI Templates
Image Base64 rendering Tag helper. Put img asp-render-base64='true' and in the _ViewImports @addTagHelper *, AspNetCore.Mvc.ImageBase64