Top 20 NuGet universal Packages

Librería en .Net Standard 2.0 que permite generar cualquier tipo de Factura Electronica Xml y PDF (Ingreso, Egreso, Traslado, Nomina, Pago, etc.) llenando los datos correspondientes fácilmente podrás generar las facturas digitales en cuestión de minutos. Es ideal y compatible para integrarla en cu...
This is the public library for, a free and simple single-source web application for monitoring all your application layers using Tcp, Websocket, and/or WebAPI / Http.
Sync OpenMod data files such as OpenMod roles and permissions via the web.
Class library that extends Microsoft.JSInterop functionality.
Class library containing models for Slack APIs.
Xamarin Android wrappers for developing applications for the HMT-1 device.
Google Analytics for Windows 8 Metro style apps (WinRT) HOW TO USE
LIRC# is a simple client library to allow a .NET application to interact with an LIRC server to control or be controlled by IR devices.
Calendar control for Windows 10 WinRT/XAML, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
Provides an easy way to create tile, badge and toast notifications in Universal apps.
Responsive layout for Universal Apps
Library helper (mvvm navigation, lifecycle, converters, extensions) for Windows Universal Apps (Win8.1 + WP8.1).
Helps you to create HTTP requests that are signed using OAuth 1.0.
PCL toolkit for Universal App
A rate reminder pop up for Windows 10 UWP, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 apps.
A C# library for sending server-side tracking data to Google Analytics using the new Measurement Protocol (Universal Analytics)
Tilt effect behavior for Windows Phone 8.1 (WinRT), Windows 8.1 and Universal Apps