Top 20 NuGet universal Packages

Genesys Source Framework CRUD Data Access Object classes for ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API Core, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android and .NET Standard libraries.
.NET Standard MemoryCache-Supportable universal generic repository based on Dapper® ORM and AutoMapper®.
Class library for working with general language constructs.
Class library to assist with code generation for C#.
Class library supporting Open XML development.
Class library for managing Tasks.
Provides a replacement supported implementation of DirectLineClient similar to the no-longer supported Microsoft.Bot.Connector.DirectLine package that is fully .NET Standard compliant and up-to-date Activity models. Also provides a high level abstraction for managing conversations using Direct Line,...
Class library that implements the WebSocket protocol according to the standards in RFC6455 using a simple API.
Class library supporting Microsoft cards.