Top 20 NuGet unit Packages

単体テストで使うデータを .xlsx ファイルに記述して簡単に利用できるようにするための仕組みです。
NUnitLite provides a simple way to run NUnit tests, without the overhead of a full NUnit installation. This package contains a build of the NUnitLite runner for the .NET compact framework 3.5.
Specifications made easy.
Contiene clases que definen el contrato para una implementacion de repository, unit of work, entity, etc. Debe ser referenciado en la capa de dominio bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
Provides a set of classes for easily writing unit tests to check common business rules created in CSLA business objects.
NRepository.TestKit is a collection of helper classes for NRepsoitory.
A simple, low overhead unit test library for Mono. It's is based on the API's from NUnit and MSTest.
NUnit extensions for PerfUtil
Provide base fixtures for easier writing of BDD style unit tests. Dependencies include nUnit, StructureMapAutomocker, Moq
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Machine.Specifications.Reporting is HTML reporting library for the Context/Specification framework Machine.Specifications
Simple test subject construction.
Repository Generator will generate an entire repository structure for you. All you need to supply a namespace which contains all your Entity Framework models and the will generate repositories for all your models, it will generate a generic repository providing you with basic ...
Machine.Specifications.Should is a should library for the Context/Specification framework Machine.Specifications
An extensive measurement, unit, and data conversion library for .NET. var twoFeet = new Measurement(2, Units.Length.Feet); var twelveInches = new Measurement(12, Units.Length.Inches); var result = twoFeet + twelveInches; Console.WriteLine(result.GetValueAs(Units.Length.Yards)...
QUnit installation into Bridge.NET projects.