Top 20 NuGet unicode Packages

Amount To Words Library for English and Nepali Number System with output in English, Nepali Unicode as well as Devnagari Format.
Convert between halfwidth and fullwidth Unicode forms.
Unicode-related components.
Make any unicode string conform to [a..zA..Z], keep whitespace and symbols/numbers
.Net Dev Utils
A permissive slug generator that works with unicode.
This is a simple .net class library that provides logic for converting to/from Wylie transliteration and Unicode Tibetan. Actually displaying the tibetan will require downloading a unicode Tibetan font.
Contiene xaml extensions para renderizar iconos vectoriales de font awesome a partir del text unicode del caracter. Tomado desde:
Text files Unicode Charset Detector With and Without BOM.
Tool to strip rogue UTF8 BOM from text files.
Redistributable components for package 'icu4c.v140'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Unicode utilities library for e.g. iterating grapheme clusters
Text tokenization based on Unicode grapheme clustering, and the XID_Start and XID_Continue binary properties.
A Unicode and emoji text-processing library for .NET, supporting UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 on .NET Standard
Various methods to detect with which Unicode Script(s) a given text is written. Allows to export the contained Unicode data structures to your application as .net classes. Based on Unicode v.12.0.0 data files. Implemented as standard library 2.0.
High-performance .NET regex engine with predictable performance