Top 20 NuGet umbraco Packages

Creates an "unbound" colour picker based on the Spectrum jquery plugin. By unbound, we mean that colours aren't pre-defined, allowing the user to choose a color of their own. For more information about Spectrum, go here: If you want to customise the settings for S...
Allows user to minify javascript and stylesheets generated from umbraco backend.
An app plugin to Our.Shield.Core Umbraco Cms package to handle media protection
An app plugin to Our.Shield.Core Umbraco Cms package to handle restricting access to the backoffice via a white-list of IP address(es)
Umbraco textbox with default value
A package which allows editors to purge CDN content in Umbraco 7.
A collection of Umbraco 7 Helpers & Models (min. Umbraco 7.6.0)
Grid value converters for Umbraco 7.7+
Day Of Week Picker for Umbraco 7
An Umbraco 7 data type that lets users select a country from a dropdown
UI components for Umbraco Forms Expressions
A simple serializer to use with Archetype.
An app plugin to Our.Shield.Core Umbraco Cms package adding the popular error logging library ELMAH to umbraco. Adds the ability to handle restricting access to ~/elmah.axd via white/black list of IP Addresses or whether the user is logged in as an authorised Umbraco User
The Layout Editor is used to construct modular site content in a flexible WYSIWYG editor based on Umbraco Macros functionality.
An Umbraco package that generates sitemap xml
Ad modules for Umbraco.
MBran Content Module is an Umbraco plugin that let developers create a clean code and reusable modules rather than a template-based page rendering. It aims to set a coding standard for module content, minimize hard-coded partial view paths and provide an easier and cleaner way to write business logi...
A simple package that sets master node
Show notifications when multiple content editors are editing the same node in Umbraco