Top 20 NuGet umbraco Packages

Media Exporter allows you to export media folders from Umbraco
Create multiple pages with realistic test content by just using the Umbraco interface
A sets of extension for Umbraco CMS
Save 400kb by avoiding backoffice webfonts
A treasure trove of useful extension methods, helpers, and tools for Umbraco CMS. Carbide includes: extension methods for manipulating IPublishedContent objects, WebAPI routes for file handling, Umbraco dashboard tools to speed development, additional form field validators, and static helper classes...
Content List is an Umbraco property-editor for creating a list of content blocks.
Extensions for UmbMapper to allow the mapping of Vorto properties.
Low-poly media previews for Umbraco.
The new Invisible reCAPTCHA field helps protect your Umbraco Forms from bots without having to solve a CAPTCHA. We’re calling it the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA experience. To start using reCAPTCHA, you need to sign up for an API key pair for your site. The key pair consists of a site key and secret key. ...
uDocumentEventHandler allows to hook up to document event handlers by creating specific classes.
uTinyMce installs a tinymce plugin allowing editors to insert font awesome 4.7 icons in Umbraco rich text editor.
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco with LightInject (compatible with Umbraco Cloud)
Automatically tags and categorises media in umbraco using Vision API
This package makes it possible to create and manage rules inside umbraco to hide tabs or properties for specific user groups
Bootstrap 4 themes for the Umbraco Forms plugin. Adds two new themes avaliable to Umbraco Forms to create forms with horizontal or vertical form labels. Both unobtrusive and server side validation supported.
The Recurly Dates package is an Umbraco data type for creating recurring events. Choose from Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly. Define on which days the event is to recur.
Add pre-publishing checks to Umbraco CMS
Small package for editing package.manifest files directly from the Umbraco backoffice.
An Umbraco Backoffice Healthcheck for successful Flexible Load Balancing configuration, the check reports the UmbracoApplicationUrl for a server and how it has been derived, and checks correct configuration settings for Flexible Load Balancing to work on the version of Umbraco it is installed on. Us...
Umbraco CMS Datatype - Document Type Picker