Top 20 NuGet typescript Packages

A generator to convert DTOs to TypeScript
TypeScript code generator, that generates TypeScript interfaces, classes and enums based on .NET types.
A collection of tools for use with TypeScript projects.
Gapi.Client.Gamesconfiguration binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Provides the SymbioticTS abstractions.
Enables SymbioticTS MSBuild support.
Compile .NET assemblies to TypeScript and JavaScript
Dotnet new template for an ASP.NET Core 2.1 SPA with React and TypeScript
A set of helper utilities used to generate typescript files from c# types.
Package Description
Transpiler that takes CLR assemblies and outputs corresponding typescript definitions.
Utility tool for check test files.
Generates Typescript files to match C# entity objects
Package Description
A generic tool for automatic schema generation for a set of .Net classes
A generic tool for automatic schema generation for a set of .Net classes
Transpiles dto.cs files into dto.ts files. Including simple calcualtions. It is based on Roslyn. So, potentially can transpile code of any complexity but currently intended (and tested) only for simple data transfer classes and simple calculations. It is compatible with dotnet cli and dotnet watch ...
JavaScript-like timer API for .NET