Top 20 NuGet types Packages

A collection of ARM resources as C# types.
A simple abstraction that gives the same interface for different types
A class for converting managed base types to byte arrays and vice versa
FluentTypeScanner is a .NET library used to scan for types using various scanning strategies expressed using a fluent-based declarative syntax.
CType makes it easy to create .NET types, including table formatting and SQL wrappers.
.NET types extensions.
.NET Library providing abstract classes for deriving domain-meaningful primitive type wrappers
This is a Visual Studio plugin that will help you replace use of "var" in your C# code with the actual type name.
Tweak is a library that helps you to create strongly typed settings read from different sources e.g. appsettings, json etc.
Higher-kinded generic types for F#
Evolving AnyValue to use statics instead. Previous methos have been deprecated.
AssemblyExtensions is a .NET Core class library that can be used to get metadata for an assembly.
Defining email addresses, distances, phone numbers, etc. as separate semantic types lets you use the C# or VB type system to catch bugs during compilation.
T4DU is a T4 template that generates discriminated cases for your C# projects.
The TypEngine package provides a handful of simple extension methods to simplify .NET Type reflection code.
.NET types API visualization
Library with random values in different types