Top 20 NuGet tree Packages

Promptuarium is a versatile, tree-based data structure to store or exchange data and metadata efficiently (in binary format). Written in pure C#, can be used in F#, too.
Package Description
FluentListView is a C# wrapper around a .NET ListView, supporting model-bound lists, in-place item editing, drag and drop, icons, themes, trees & data grids, and much more.
The Engine relies on a set of Registries of Generated Code for purposes of determining whether re-generation ought to occur.
Explore trees and tree-like structures with LINQ using tree-traversal algorithms like breadth-first and depth-first search: IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> childDirectories = Traverse.DepthFirst(new DirectoryInfo(...), d => d.EnumerateDirectories()); IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> parentDirector...
list contents of directories in a tree-like format.
display a tree of processes.
For working with trees and creating pseudographic image of a tree.
Mind-map generator for HTML-tables (saved from Excel)
A tool for comparing XML documents.
Basic data structures in C# convenient for many applications. Currently contains only trees and ordered trees.
A compilation of useful WPF visual tree helper methods.
Advanced data structures for .NET
Library of data structures (fourth unit) according to the computer science curriculum of the Israel Ministry of Education for a final examination.
Behavior Trees