Top 20 NuGet translator Packages

BundleTransformer.SassAndScss contains one translator-adapter - `SassAndScssTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of Sass and SCSS code to CSS code by using the Dart Sass Host for .NET. Also contains the `SassAndScssAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of ...
BundleTransformer.Less contains one translator-adapter - `LessTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of LESS code to CSS code. Also contains the `LessAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated LESS asset.
BundleTransformer.TypeScript contains one translator-adapter - `TypeScriptTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of TypeScript code to JS code. Also contains the `TypeScriptAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated TypeScript asset.
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
A lightweight library that uses Cognitive Translator Service for text translation and Cognitive Speech Service for text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
Translator for Startapp project, Multilanguages system translator for simplify translation in dotnet core application, based on Dotnet 5 framework.
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started
BundleTransformer.CoffeeScript contains one translator-adapter - `CoffeeScriptTranslator`. This adapter makes translation of CoffeeScript code to JS code. Also contains the `CoffeeScriptAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated CoffeeScript asset.
BundleTransformer.Handlebars contains one translator-adapter - `HandlebarsTranslator` (supports the Handlebars). This adapter makes translation of Handlebars templates to JS code. Also contains the `HandlebarsAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for text output of translated Ha...
Translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with "Poco ORM-ish thing" (PetaPoco, AsyncPoco etc). Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
AsyncPoco bindings for StaTypPocoQueries. It translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with AsyncPoco. Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
EdiFabric is a software development kit for .NET Framework and .NET Core, which makes it straightforward to parse, generate, validate, acknowledge, split, customize, or in other words, to programmatically manipulate EDI, X12, EDIFACT, HL7, VDA, NCPDP files. 1. Getting started Install EdiFabr...
AsyncPoco bindings for StaTypPocoQueries. It translates Linq Expressions to SQL 'where' clause. Makes it safer to work with AsyncPoco. Generates sql and parameters to be passed to Database class methods such as Query, Single, Delete etc.
Helper library to translate WPF applications.
Helper library to translate Windows.Forms applications.