Top 20 NuGet transformation Packages

The Engine leverages a set of Service Managers in order to facilite when Code Generation is absolutely required.
On-the-fly image scaling and transformation, less to css, minify of javascripts, etc.
Extensible library for transforming structured transport data (e.g. xml / json)
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xdt (e.g. code version of csproj TransformXml task)
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xslt (e.g. XmlCompiledTransform)
Transform json files using a json transformation schema
A professional geodetic calculation libary about coordinate system's definition, conversion, projection, transformation functions of geodetic datum such as ITRF, WGS84, BDCS, ETRS, etc. This is a C# .net standard class library containing some professional geodetic algorithms on ellipsoid suppo...
XDT transformation tool
Windy.Transformations is a rule-based transformation engine. It is extreemly easy to setup a L-System on Windy.Transformations.
On-the-fly image scaling and transformation, less to css, minify of javascripts, etc.
Config File Transfomation Tool
Provides an easy way to abstract a data object model into a projection object model, that can be exposed to external consumers (WCF services, assembly consumers, REST APIs, etc.) without exposing data model information in order to filter, sort and transform query results.
SlowMonkey allows you to use the same kind of config transformations that are used in ASP.NET projects with executable and class library projects. It is inspired by Sayed Hashimi's SlowCheetah package but is designed to work with Mono's xbuild as well as .NET's MSBuild.
ConfigTransformer can be used for applying custom config transformations ( on an xml file passing the transformation file and optionally the output file
Basic transformation of claims
P/Invoke wrappers around Mozillas mozjpeg for .NET and Xamarin
P/Invoke wrappers around Mozillas mozjpeg for .NET and Xamarin
P/Invoke wrappers around Mozillas mozjpeg for .NET and Xamarin - Bundled with libmozjpeg.dylib
A simple set of extension methods that allow for easy ADO.Net DataSet => POCO transformations.
.NET wrapper for KMS TRLIB coordinate transformation library