Top 20 NuGet transform Packages
GeoJSON for EntityFramework is a .net library that allows you to create GeoJSON output from EntityFramework Spatial Data or WKT inputs. In other words, It serializes different type of geometry objects to GeoJSON. It's not limited to only EF entities but It can serialize WKT inputs as well.
Transforms all *.config files at build time instead of the default MSBuild behaviour of only transforming the configuration file matching the current build configuration.
Bulk Data API/Tools for SQL Server databases. Easily perform bulk "upsert" operations on your database. Nifty helper utility for moving around large sets of data.
A simple library which is designed to make working with files more efficent and reliable.
Transformerizer: Parallel transform library for .NET
Utils to Transform / Merge / Diff Excel files.
Provides HttpModule that adds support of simple rest API to OpenWaves.ImageTransformations.Web package.
Includes required dependences and source code for easily start to use RestImageResize package in EPiServer CMS site.
Commit : 945bb20964d337465fb898138516bc8e33ce5795, 11/9/2017 8:28:55 PM +01:00
This library was built to be used as an alternative to XSLT. Using Razor in some situations might be "cleaner" than XSLT as you can perform Linq queries instead of XPath queries.
Unified algorithm support for indexed .NET collections.
Collects events and allows a javascript to transform them into different events written back to the log. This package supports Seq 3.3+. Install the 1.x version of this package for compatibility with earlier versions of Seq.
A library for fast reflective changes to immutable data trees using F# Expression trees to reduce the number of allocations to a minimum.
Fungible is a library for fast reflective changes to immutable data trees using F# Expression trees to reduce the number of allocations to a minimum. This is an extension to Fungible that makes it easy to use with the Barb scripting language
Peshkov.Web.Config.Transform package description
A small, light-weight package that transforms JSON using JSON.NET and JSONPath.
Extensions for the .NET URI class. Get, set, drop, update URI parts, query items and path items. Fluent interface. No more worrying about part delimiters.
Library for computing fourier transform