Top 20 NuGet tracing Packages

Application monitoring for .NET by Datadog.
A lightweight Diagnostics and Logging component
JsTrace allows you to heavily instrument your JavaScript code without flooding the console with messages. It has "Trace Levels" (off, error, warn, info, debug, log), which allow you to fine-tune what amount of trace information comes out of each area or module of your code. It additionally supports ...
The interfaces provided by this package allow component authors to provide tracing statements that are agnostic to the actual implementation that will be used when they are used at runtime, which is an initialization concern that belongs to the application initialization or other bootstrapping/confi...
Entity Framework provider toolkit. Code from, refactored.
Assembly to allow logging via Attributes Logging for a class is enabled by decorating it with the [Loggable] attribute and deriving from ContextBoundObject. Another option is to derive from LoggableObject. The [Log] attribute will enable logging with de Default logger. The DefaultMes...
Fast and comprehensive logging tool for .NET applications, designed for always-on logging. FieldLog allows applications to write events, data and errors (including structured exceptions with lots of details) to managed and efficient log files. The logging methods are optimised for high performance ...
Post a new HTTP request to RequestBin when messages are logged in
This library contains the definitions of a delegate based logging API that can be used as a facade for an existing logging framework.
Create a new issue in GitHub when a new error is logged on
HttpClientDiagnostics is a cross platform, portable class library that provides tracing/logging telemetry of Microsoft.Net.HttpClient requests. In the spirit of "applications decide the logging framework, libraries should play nice" this package does _not_ require any external dependencies or abstra...
WebApi (System.Web.Http) logging extensions using LogJam
Automatically ignore errors generated by one or more IP addresses.
Create an issue on Bitbucket when a new error is logged on
Tagolog is a structured logging library for .NET. It can help you produce log entries marked with tags easily. Supported platforms: - .NET Framework 3.5+; - .NET Standard 2.0+;
Generate C# ETW EventSource classes from JSON event specifications using T4 templates. For more information and usage instructions visit the project's home page:
Post a new chat message to Microsoft Teams when errors occur on
Create an issue on Jira when a new error is logged on core middleware for zipkin4net