Top 20 NuGet tpl Packages
Repackaged with a binary patch to avoid calling the windows kernel dll in certain codepaths.
The package includes:
* Task<T> for executing asynchronous operations.
* Concurrent Collections such as ConcurrentStack, ConcurentQueue ad ConcurrentDictionary.
* PLINQ for writing parallel queries.
* addit...
The Marathon library provides a .NET, cross-platform, lightweight task running library. It facilitates the composition of functions for sequential and parallel execution, or both. Further, it provides synchronous and asynchronous implementations of the composed tasks in a transparent manner to the u...
ConfigureAwait(true) and ConfigureAwait(false) are very important when dealing with asynchronous code. However, they make code hard to read and easy to fail.
ObviousAwait introduces two aliases: KeepContext() and FreeContext(), reducing the cognitive load while reading and writing asynchronous code.
Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and .NET Standard.
For examples of how to use this library, please visit