Top 20 NuGet topshelf Packages

Common.Logging library bindings for Topshelf.
Runs a generic host as a Topshelf service.
Schedule your jobs using cron expressions. -just update your schedulrsettings.json as what you want. -use like below lines in your Program.cs SchedulrManager.Build("My Service"); SchedulrManager.Add(() => { Console.WriteLine("Foo"); }); Schedu...
Nancy endpoint for the Topshelf service host providing additional support around URL reservations
针对Windows Service项目类型的包装
Extension methods to add leader election startup control to Topshelf.
Powershell scripts that automated component deployment. Supports windows services (srvany.exe, NServiceBus, TopShelf) and websites.
Topshelf is an open source project for hosting services without friction. By referencing Topshelf, your console application *becomes* a service installer with a comprehensive set of command-line options for installing, configuring, and running your application as a service.
Exira.EventStore.Logger is a Topshelf service to log EventStore events using Serilog
Helper classes to create Windows Services based on TopShelf that host services built on IHostedService
Exira.EventStore.Runner is a wrapper that uses Topshelf to run EventStore as a Windows Service
Exira.StaticMailer is a REST endpoint running in a Windows Service to enable static sites to easily send mail
TopShelf helper classes for Nybus
Topshelf host for Bottles
Topshelf.FileSystemWatcher wraps the .NET FileSystemWatcher class behind a configurator, to make it possible to easily listen for FileSystem change events whithin your Topshelf Service.