Top 20 NuGet topic Packages

KeyVault provider for Microsoft Azure ServiceBus attachment plugin
Micro topic pubsub library.
Azure Service Bus hosting infrastructure and startup logic for background applications.
Microsoft Azure ServiceBus plugin to emulate server-side exceptions
AspNetCore EventGrid middleware and more.
Library for asynchronously sending valid topic strings to /world/Topic() in BYOND servers.
This package contains manifest files for performance monitoring and client side tracing purposes. Use Performance\ to install the performance counters for Service Bus Queues, Topics, and EventHub. Use Tracing\Microsoft.ServiceBus.EventDefinitio...
A lightweight wrapper around Azure Service Bus.
Working with Servic Bus topics.
Micro topic pubsub library.
Autofac support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Castle Windsor support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Ninject support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
StructureMap support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Unity support for Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessages<T>
Use this with Windows Azure Service Bus and Notification Hubs client registration (for Windows Store and Windows Phone 8 apps). It adds Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Messaging.Managed.dll to your project. This package is for developing Windows Store and Windows Phone 8 applications with C# (managed)
Aims to make working with the Azure Service Bus as simple as possible. Has sensible defaults and is fully injectable and testable. Features include automatically managing subscriptions/closing connections, enqueue/message pump using Queues, and publish/subscribe using topics.
Azure Service Bus library contains components for communicating with Azure Service Bus with ease. Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easie...
Making it easier to call *All* the Cognitive Services Text Analytics APIs.