Top 20 NuGet tooltip Packages

Wijmo Open is open source and is free to use under either the MIT or GPL licenses. The MIT License is recommended for most projects since it follows jQuery's model. It is simple and easy to understand and it places almost no restrictions on what you can do with Wijmo Open. It includes Accordion, Cal...
EasyTipView is a fully customisable tooltip widget for Xamarin.iOS that can be used as a call to action or informative tip.
Overrides jQuery validator's default settings to show a bootstrap glyphicon inside input elements which have errors. Hides default error message labels and shows a tooltip on the icons instead. Usage and more info :
THIS PACKAGE IS OBSOLETE. Please switch to the officially maintained NuGet package: Hardcodet.NotifyIcon.WPF This is an implementation of a NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform. It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component, but is a purely inde...
A powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS.
Xamarin.Android.Tooltips Simple to use library for android, enabling to add a tooltip near any view with ease.
ToolTips for touch
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Skydoves' Balloon. A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations
Xamarin.Android Binding for Candrea Eusebiu's ToolTipPopupWordTV, an Open Source Android library that allows developers to easily open a popup with details by select a word from a TextView.
Xamarin.Android Binding for kcrimi's ToolTipDialog, an easy to use tool tip dialogs with optional view highlighting
Rc Tooltip (rc-tooltip) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
React Tooltip (react-tooltip) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A fluent tooltip for Android
The Silverlight advanced ToolTipService included in this library makes it easier to set tooltips on Silverlight controls with a specified delay and display duration. You can set initial delay, display duration and animation properties of a ToolTip.
This is an implementation of a NotifyIcon (aka system tray icon or taskbar icon) for the WPF platform. It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component, but is a purely independent control which leverages several features of the WPF framework in order to display rich tooltips, popups,...
Simple Android library to add a tooltip near any view with ease