Top 20 NuGet toolkit Packages

Charting Controls for Windows 8.1, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
Toolkit for client apps that uses Azure Mobile Services.
Controls: ProgressIndicator - imagine a progress bar on steroids. In addition to maximum/minimum/value, you can provider a target value and target label to, for example, display today's target for a budget. RingSlice - Based heavily on the RingSlice control from WinRTXamlToolkit. This version fix...
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of definitions for working with Windows PE Binary APIs
Toolkit Content Management System
Toolkit for ASP.NET Web API. Provides loggers, exception handlers, attributes and interfaces.
Useful tools for Windows Phone Silverlight applications.
This package includes Windows.System.Launcher like APIs cross-platform such as: - Launcher for launching a default app associated with a specified file or URI.
Library for reading ARK Survival Evolved savegame files including easy to use .NET domain model.
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. (Linq Extensions)
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. (Collections Extensions)
Expansion pack for Xamarin providing enhanced MVVM, controls, effects, and much more.
ScriptUserControl is used to define complex user controls which support ASP.NET AJAX script extensions. ScriptUserControl class missing from AjaxControlToolkit since version 15.1. Adding this class back was made possible since version 18.1 - see issue #347.
A set of wpf toolkit.
A modern I/O API for Net Standard 2.0 ( Base on okio project )
.net standard 2.0 版本 Fasterflect