Top 20 NuGet tool Packages

A dotnet tool to execute BenchmarkDotNet benchmarks
Package Description
Package Description
This dotnet tool encapsulates project generation for TypeScript Blazor Interop proxy abstraction.
tool for renaming C# projects
.net standard synchronous runner for asynchronous methods
A code-generation tool for use with DBConfirm, to generate template files based on existing tables within a SQL Server database.
A stopwatch class designed towards measuring how much time a process or section of code uses. Great for measuring code efficiency and performance.
1.Extend for number, string 2.Simple IOC engine 3.JWT tool 4.Common redis Service 5.Singleton 6.Common http result object
A .NET CLI tool for creating and managing projects in a folder structure suitable for Hexagonal Architecture and Microservices. Is similar to how Angular CLI tool uses commands to create components, modules, services, etc.
Build, test, and manage Unity projects from the command line
HtmlArk embeds images, fonts, CSS and JavaScript into an HTML file.
kalk is a command line calculator app for developers.
Update-Version is a developper tool to update the Visual Studio project versions.
Creates Visual Studio solution files based on the directory structure.
A dotnet tool that automatically versions csproj files semantically with git integration.
Additional utils for Viki.LoadRunner (WIP)
Logger tool window for Wider
Safe deep deletion, like 'rm -rf' as a .NET Core Global Tool