Top 20 NuGet tls Packages

ACME v2 protocol client library for .NET Standard
Application handlers:the port of the Netty.Handlers assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
A simple and light WebSocket client. Can be set to ignore SSL/TLS server certificate issues (use with care!). Easily and effectively observe incoming message using Reactive Extensions (Rx)
A suite of network communication classes for creating client and server applications. Includes high-performance Server, Tcp, Udp, Dns, and Ping classes, with support for IPv6 and SSL/TLS 1.0+ encryption. PowerTCP Sockets for .NET is a licensed product. If no development license is present, the nuge...
A suite of network communication classes for creating client and server applications for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0. Includes high-performance Server, Tcp, Udp, Dns, and Ping classes, with support for IPv6 and SSL/TLS 1.0+ encryption. PowerTCP Sockets for .NET is a licensed product. If no ...
A set of e-mail components which implement IMAP, SMTP, POP3, Exchange Web Services, SSL/TLS support, parsing and building MIME and S/MIME messages, Outlook .MSG and .PST conversions, mail merge over database, OAuth 2.0, DNS MX lookup, e-mail address validation, parsing winmail.dat, bounced messages ...
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". TLS and other handler support DotNetty.
ACME protocol client library for .NET.
The Email_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the SmtpClient. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above. Allows sending, receiving and processing email messages in .NET applications. Includes SSL and TLS support...
Implements common Mono TLS providers for modding Unity games which use Il2Cpp runtime. This allows to use HTTPS the same way you'd do it in a normal Unity game using Mono runtime.
A lightweight HTTP compliant web server written in C# with full async/await implementation
AWS Provider extension for ACMESharp
Authentication and encryption class library: Authenticated encryption (AE), Secure Remote Password (SRP) and SSL/TLS
Lets Encrypt Certificate creator and updater
FTP Client Implementation
PowerShell Module library for ACMESharp POSH Module client.
ACMESharp support library for .NET Core
NChronicle is an extensible logging and output library allowing centralized management and distribution of log messages to a number of logging destinations (known as 'Libraries'). NChronicle.SMTP is a comprehensive SMTP email Library sending log messages in customizable email messages. It includes ...