Top 20 NuGet themes Packages

Simply modified it to work with AvalonDock v2.9. Usage: <xcad:DockingManager.Theme> <vs2013:Vs2013DarkTheme /> </xcad:DockingManager.Theme>
5 Skins.
Extra Controls /first release/ (HtmlEditor, use Chromium)
Extra Controls /first release/ (HtmlEditor, use Chromium)
Contains colour controls.
[CommitId: 7684c854148613c31789ad1e59ed351e9c8934f6]
Take a look at and try it out there.
A WPF theme which will make an application look like Blend
User control that allow put on your Windows Form application a 'navigation tree' like Wordpress admin panel or bootstrap navigation menu
These are UI controls with various themes for all programming activities
This is a composite form with various themes. Hence termed Thematic
Contains XML palette files for use with the Krypton toolkit.