Top 20 NuGet theme Packages

Easily change theme & background or text colors of views and layouts.
Avalonia-exclusive experimental touch-friendly UI theme based on top of SimpleTheme.
WPF dark theme and controls for .NET Core and .NET Framework
A Custom Theme for the Oqtane Framework based on Bootswatch Cerulean
Visual Studio Style Theme
The ThemeManager class provides static methods to be used during app initialization to force the app's resources to appear as the Dark or Light theme.
Single C# (Source) file version - the ThemeManager class provides static methods to be used during app initialization to force the app's resources to appear as the Dark or Light theme.
Metro Theme for Wijmo. This Theme is also usable with jQuery UI Widgets.
the jQuery UI flat theme,use with same version of jquery ui...
Take a look at and try it out there.
A WPF theme which will make an application look like Blend
Modification of Ace Admin for GNaP applications. This package can be used by all technologies.
Modification of Ace Admin for GNaP applications. This package can be used by all technologies.
Example layout to show workflow using Grunt build.
The Infragistics Silverlight IG Theme supports the following controls: Accordion AutoCompleteBox BusyIndicator Button CheckBox ComboBox Expander GridSplitter Label ListBox PasswordBox ProgressBar RadioButton Rating RepeatButton Slider TabControl TextBox ToggleButton Tooltip