Top 20 NuGet tests Packages

Reusable HTTP server integration test building blocks to write integration tests in a more safe and fun way. The package consists of several functions to help write tests that clean up after themselves, making assertions more reliable by polling for required results, adds some standard building bloc...
Enumerations tests framework is provided as an NUnit based framework sufficient to exercise the majority of boilerplate issues concerning both Ordinal as well as Bitwise Enumerations.
The aim of the work is to prepare a set of C # classes placed in a DLL library for .NET 5 platforms and distributed using the NuGet package, which will be used to calculate of statistical parameters, parametric and non-parametric tests and calculating correlation. The work also includes unit tests t...
jMoney.js is a light weight pure JavaScript spec(test) framework. jMoney is great for prototyping JavaScript and very easy to use. All specs(tests) results render in the console so there is no need to set anything up, just add a reference to the file and start testing.
SeleniumExtensions part of the RobustHaven.IntegrationTests
A NUnit plugin that retries intermittently failing tests.
A simple F# utility for testing performance
NFaker is a rewrite of ruby ffaker to .net Developers
Fake Entity Generator for Unit test under ASP.MVC. Generator creating an entity with a filled it properties (primitive types) data.
Framework de BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) com especificação de features em pt-BR (português do Brasil) baseado em Cucumber e SpecFlow.
A fluent interface for unit testing INotifyPropertyChanged events
An opinionated fully functional testing framework for F#
Provide base fixtures for easier writing of BDD style unit tests. Dependencies include Xunit, StructureMapAutomocker, Moq
xSpec "is a great tool in the behavior-driven development (BDD) process of writing human readable specifications that direct and validate the development of your application
A collection of attributes for modern testing.
An opinionated fully functional testing framework for F#
Infrastructure and tools for creating SpecFlow tests.
A pre-built Windows version of Zombie.js. This package adds a node_modules folder at the top-level of the solution containing the all of the modules required to run Zombie.js.
A generic C# .Net Repository with a primary focus on testability.