Top 20 NuGet test Packages

EntityFrameworkCore Testing Tools
Automation mappings to assist with browser based UI automation tests using the Coded UI Test for Visual Studio
Test Lib here
My package description.
Automatic generation of C# object literal initialiser, based on runtime data. Reads the object at runtime and writes the equivalent C# to recreate that object in code. Useful for snapshotting the output of one unit test for input to the next.
Simple console runner for .NET.
An `AnythingActivator` will make an extreme effort to find and instantiate a concrete class which is assignable to a `Type`, whether or not the Type is concrete, whether or not the Type has constructor dependencies, whether or not a suitable concrete subtype is found in any currently loaded `Assem...
C# Fluent API for interacting with Mock-Server v 5.5
Set of methods to facilitate waiting a certain amount of time for a delegate to evaluate, while ignoring certain exceptions while attempting to evaluate, and throwing after a specified time limit (or throwing immediately if an unexpected exception is encountered)
Cross platform app that hashes mssql query results for testing
It is test package for creasypita
Data Importer API
Uon.TestLibrary e apenas um exemplo
Test Library for publishing Nuget Packages
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