Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Binaries for the LabRat library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
Teddy Mocks is a simple, light-weight mock framework designed for TypeScript developers. It is type safe, refactorable, uses lambda-syntax, and supports the AAA style of unit testing. Teddy Mocks should feel familiar to .NET developers who like frameworks such as Moq.
Event-based asynchronous http-load testing library.
Http-load testing tool.
Load test runner. Supposed to be used for fast and general check of algorithms and implementations.
.NET Test Factory
Library for state based testing
Library comparing different versions of an api using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components. Console application.
Automaticly test all your custom exceptions
A small library for writing BDD-style specifications in C# / .NET. Spec4Net focuses on simplicity and ease-of-use. See the project home page for examples.
Landpy Test Core.
Concise BDD test framework. [Test] public void IWantTo() { ICustomer customer = new Customer(); SoThat(BusinessValue) .As(User) .Given(customer.Register) .When(customer.Confirm) .Then(customer.Login) }
Provides a simple means to generate random strings and sentances for test data Usage instructions can be found at
Library to be used with your application in order to use PerformanceCounter
test description
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Trying to understand how Nuget works for the 8th time
Slimmed down wrapper around System.Threading.Tasks.Task class with a wrapper implementation for use in running application and a synchronous implementation for use in unit tests so testing simple multithreading code is a piece of cake. See example @